Talk to Women: How to keep the conversation going & avoid conversation killers

One of the biggest problems I had when approaching women was keeping the conversation going. I didn't have a problem summoning up the courage to go over to a woman and say "Hi" but I had no real idea about what to say next. Or even if I did have a follow up question like "how are you doing?" or "what are you up to today?" (admittedly not great questions!) I didn't know how to develop the conversation after she responds.

In the video below, David Wygant talks about how to keep the conversation going and the 'conversation killer' to avoid!

So, take a look at the video, it's only 4 minutes long but if you take the advice on board you'll immediately start seeing a difference in your interactions with women.

Talk To Women: How to keep the conversation going & avoid conversation killers

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Tuesday, 22 March 2011

How to be attractive to women - Lower your voice tone

We all want to know how to be attractive to women, right?

Well, a recent news story revealed that women surveyed said that men with deeper voices were more likely to cheat on their partners.

The study was carried out at the McMaster University in Ontario, Canada where participants were asked to listen to two versions of sound clips from a male voice and a female voice, which were digitally manipulated to be both higher and lower in pitch. The subjects were then asked which one, from each pair, was more likely to be unfaithful to their significant other.

According to the results, those men with lower ”masculinized” voices were perceived as more likely to cheat; the same findings emerged for women with higher “feminized” voices.

Jillian O’Connor, the lead author of the study, explained in a statement:

"In terms of sexual strategy, we found that men and women will use voice pitch as a warning sign of future betrayal. So the more attractive the voice—a higher pitch for women and lower pitch for men—the more likely the chances he or she will cheat."

Ok before I comment on this, let's go back a few years to 2007, when another study (by Apicella, Feinberg and Marlowe) was published in the journal Biology Letters and revealed that men with deeper voices fathered more children.

The likes of Barry White who have lower-pitched voices have more children than do men with high-pitched, squeakier voices, researchers have found in a study of an African tribe.
Led by Coren Apicella of Harvard University, with David Feinberg of McMaster University and Frank Marlowe of Florida State University, the research published in the journal Biology Letters is the first to work out whether a sexy voice affects what researchers call "Darwinian fitness".

In previous studies, they have shown that women find deeper male voices to be more attractive, judging them to be more dominant, older, healthier and more masculine sounding. And they are particularly drawn to a booming drawl when they are at the peak of fertility.
Men, on the other hand, find higher-pitch voices in women more attractive, subordinate, feminine, healthier and younger sounding.

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Dr Feinberg says: "We find that men with low voice pitch have higher reproductive success and more children born to them."
While a deep voice was a kind of mating call that made women more frisky, the pitch of a woman's voice did not seem to matter much.
The subjects for this study were the Hadza of Tanzania, one of the last true hunter-gatherer cultures. "Their lifestyle reflects how humans lived during much of their evolutionary history, they provide a window to our past", says Apicella.
Because the Hadza have no modern birth control, the researchers were able to determine from studies of around 100 men and women in nine different camps that men who have lower pitched voices have more children than men with higher pitched voices.

"While we don't know the exact reason that these men with deeper voices have fathered more children, it may be that they have increased access to mates, begin reproducing at an earlier age or their wives have shorter inter-birth intervals because they provide more food to them," says Apicella.
At one time, men and women's voices may have been closer in pitch. Over the course of human history, men's voices may have become deeper as baritones won out over tenors in the gene pool. It is no accident that boys voices don't get deeper until puberty, when testosterone kicks in and makes the vocal chords grow longer and thicker to impress the ladies.

My take on these studies is that men who have deeper voices are not more likely to cheat because of something in their genetics but they are more likely to cheat because they have more OPPORTUNITY to cheat! This study is further confirmation to me that women find men with deeper voices more attractive.

The key point in the second study is when Dr Apicella suggests the men with deeper voices may have fathered more children due to having "increased access to mates". I believe this is the fundamental reason.

So what does this mean for you and how you can be more attractive to women? While the more testerone you have flowing through your body the deeper your voice is likely to be, you can still make a change if you have a higher voice.

Dating Tips For Men. Throw Aside Your Fears And Learn How To Approach And Attract Women By Top Dating Coach David Wygant!

Practice speaking slower and clearer. Take your time to speak and really hold her attention. Now I'm not saying start talking like a robot or like Ivan Drago in Rocky IV "I will break you."
Far from it. But the above studies show the power of your voice tone.
You want to put energy in to your voice, speak in a commanding fashion. The dating coach David Wygant often talks about owning your words! You know really believe what you're saying. Vary your voice pitch, it's fine to go a little higher when you're excited about something but the main message is to speak slower and clearer!

Practise in front of the mirror, practise in the shower, practise in the car, wherever!

Do a little work on this and you will be more attractive to women!

Become A Master Communicator

1 comment:

  1. Women love men who have a generous sense of humour. Learn to laugh at yourself. If you observe your friends who are not so good looking, chances are that they have an amazing sense of humor and a magnetic personality.
